
New years! I’m engaged! And catch up ;)

New years! I’m engaged! And catch up 😉 Also, they offered to take us out when we get back. The immigration line leaving Bolivia moved rather slowly and the tendency of the locals to budge and actually think we did not notice bothered me but we made it through and worked our way to the next line for entering Argentina. This line we were in for 2 hours. Not only did they have one person working the window, that person knocked down the system so the line didn’t even move an inch for a half hour. During this time I became more and more irritated with the people who somehow believed it was much more important that they cross the border than us. Luckily, an Italian girl, and her Argentine friend were also feeling the pain and argued with those trying to squeeze past us with me. We were so close and those two girls had already missed their bus and people kept trying to budge, I was either going to hit the little old lady or push my way through. Finally across the border and beyond exhausted we arrived at the bus station and purchased our tickets to Salta! We grabbed breakfast with our new friends and got on our bus. Currently I have no idea why I am not asleep but I think there comes a point when you are too tired to be tired. Plus i needed to write all of this while it was fresh. To salta we go. I’m just ready for Mendoza and maybe like 17 bottles of vino. In Salta! At an amazing hotel! About to shower for first time in three days! Hello human trina! Soooooo happy!! Pool day then sushi. Tomorrow we are going horse back riding! Sarah may cry from happiness! Thursday, Blaine proposed last night! Well, yesterday evening. I cannot believe that I am engaged!! And to the perfect man. I am truly blessed! He proposed in front or the horse and man statue named Artigas in the plaza across from our hotel. […]

By |July 18th, 2022|citas-poliamorosas dating|0 Comments